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Month: July 2016

Lambeth Heritage Festival

Lambeth Heritage Festival

Once again, the Lambeth Heritage Festival is taking place throughout September, throughout Lambeth. The Festival brochure lists more than 60 events organised by some 31 participating organisations. Printed copies will soon be available in Libraries, through LLHF members, and from some LLHF member stalls at the Lambeth Country Show (16th & 17th July). A pdf copy is available to download here.

Future of Lambeth Archives

Future of Lambeth Archives

Lambeth Council has engaged a consultancy to look into the long-term future of the archives, especially its location. All options are on the table including remaining at the Minet.

As part of a consultation exercise, the consultancy has created an on-line survey. This survey is not only aimed at users of the archives. They would also like to hear from people who do not currently use the archives why they do not do so.

Please help secure the future of this vital resource by taking part in the survey on this link.

Heritage Walks 2016

Heritage Walks 2016

A leaflet detailing the 2016 Heritage Walks organised by LLHF members is available in Lambeth Archives or a pdf version may be downloaded here.